Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm not quite 40 yet.

But I can remember a time before the Internet.

Before cable television....when our house got 4 channels.

Before CD's.

Before cassettes!

Technology has grown by leaps and bounds during my brief time here on Earth.

I imagine it was like people born at the turn of the 20th century suddenly seeing automobiles and airplanes.

But imagine a time without recorded sounds.

Everything you heard once.

Nothing saved...ever.

Until the phonograph was invented that was the way it was...or was it?

In 1860, 17 years before Edison's phonograph, a Frenchman recorded an unknown person singing.

218 years later we figured out how to play it back.

That's simply amazing to me.

Click here to read the whole story and to hear the first sounds recorded.

And thing about how many sounds were lost forever.

~ Glenn

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