Sunday, October 26, 2008

When I Need You

Today is the 12th anniversary of one of the biggest days in my life.

Today, in 1996, my lovely wife Michelle and I exchanged vows.

Like any marriage there has been ups and downs and for the life of me I sometime STILL do not understand why she puts up with me! LOL!

She has been my moral compass and the steady hand that keeps me from going to extremes.

She has given me two great children and more support and friendship then I should be allowed in a lifetime.

She has accepted my faults and allowed me to be myself.

She is the one person who can get me to do anything and yet asks for almost nothing.

She knows everything about me and still seems to love me! LOL!

We are not the perfect couple (no one I know is) but we are good for each other and in the end that is all that matters.

I love you honey and I can only wish and hope that we can continue for many more years to come.

~ Glenn

1 comment:

Gmdino said...

sniff sniff.. read it twice and still cried. I know we both have our faults and i was really hurt because of the funk you were in for the past couple of days (you know what i am talking about)But this is the best anniversary gift you could ever give me because it is truly from the heart.. You are a true gem and i am lucky to have you. We both have our faults but we are human.. Here's to the next 75+ years.. I love you!