Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Box

Its funny how one thought leads to another.

Just the other day I posted how life gets in the way of doing certain things. I barely have enough time for the stuff I'm supposed to do, let alone the things I want to do.

But life, in my opinion, is fluid.

You take it as it comes and even the best plans can get screwed up.

In other words life does not fit into a nice little box.

Some people do not get that.

They think you can regulate everything. Everything should be "just so" and any deviation is a mistake.

Sorry, but life isn't perfect.

Sometimes the kids get sick when you need to be somewhere.
Sometimes a machine doesn't do what it is designed to do, even though it did it every time before and after.
Sometimes the manufacturer knows what is best for the operation of the machine...not you.

I actually had a conversation this morning (well he was talking and I was shaking my head in disbelief and rolling my eyes) where I was told that we needed to change the redial delay on the fax machine.


Apparently the fax machine that we have had for over 3 years has a four minute delay for re-dialing if the line is busy.

He wanted it changed to one minute because four minutes is entirely too long.


I wanted to ask if he meant exactly one minute or if 67 seconds might be more perfect.

Who stands around and thinks about these things? The old fax machine didn't even have the redial function. This has been a nice little feature that keeps the secretary from having to keep resending when a line is busy. But now the delay is too long! LOL!

Sorry, but life doesn't fit in a box...even when the item you're talking about did COME from a box.

There are so many things to do and worry about and think about during a day that I can't understand why anyone wants to have THAT much control. You'd lose your mind trying to control every second of your day.

Sometimes things just "are" and you can't change them. Sometimes you CAN change them but maybe you shouldn't because they are that way for a reason.

We didn't change the delay yet.

But I'm sure if we don't it will come up again because it didn't fit in the box.

~ Glenn

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