Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't Panic!

"I don't' get ulcers...I'm a carrier!"

That used to be a motto I lived by.

Not so much over the past few years as I have gotten older and had more things to worry about.

But for the past month I have really tried to live by that creed. And more recently I have defined it even more: Don't panic.

Panicking is NEVER good. Whether its a work, while driving or when drowning!

There is always room for anger and elation and frustration but you should never panic.

When you panic you make bad decisions that are rushed...and those will usually just lead to more bad decisions down the road.

After repeating this to several people over the past week or so I had a revelation. I had heard this somewhere else before.

Then it hit when when I woke up Saturday: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!

Douglas Adams tome on the destruction of the Earth and space travel (OK, its more than put those words into my subconscious back in 1986 when I read the first book in the four book trilogy and there are even more true today.

Don't panic.

Two simple words that have allowed me to be more relaxed and to make better decisions.

Don't panic.

Try works.

~ Glenn

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