Friday, October 16, 2009

Sixteen Candles...

Here is your Friday Five...five videos with a particular theme!

I started this list a while back after hearing a song that struck me as odd.

Here are (at least) five songs about jailbait.

I just can't imagine where musicians get such a bad rap!

These were just the songs that I knew of off the top of my head...a quick search came up with many, MANY more!

Obviously these are in no certain order.

Is it ironic that a group calling themselves the Police had a huge hit about a teacher lusting for his student?

Nice try Winger, but 17 is still 17. Even if she above the age of consent...we know what you mean!

The 60's were a simpler time of love and peace and chasing young chicks in mini-skirts.

Even the Beatles were not above interest in a younger girl.

And you would think the groups would keep from ANNOUNCING the age of the girl they would be arrested for stalking!

And a bonus track...just to prove the members of the Beatles never changed. (Even if it mean remaking a jailbait song!)

So there you have it. Although there were a few songs about women chasing underage guys these seemed a little, well, creepier!

Happy Friday!

~ Glenn

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