Thursday, April 30, 2009

Opposites Attract

I woke up this morning and had a great idea for a new blog!

Problem is the only thing I could remember by the time I sat down to write it was the title.

I have no idea where I was headed with it either.


So I figured since I haven't written about my life in a while I would do it now!

Nothing really new to report. those of you who are my friends on Face Book know what has been happening with my brother-in-law being in the hospital and all.

If you don't know, he's been in the hospital for that last two plus weeks with a diseased liver and bleeding esophagus. He is currently in rehab and getting ready to come home.

Things like that make you question your own health and situation.

In fact, as a fund raiser for him and his wife I have considered doing a sponsored weight loss-a-thon. It would be good for them and could only be good for me too!

But if I really do that I'll make a big announcement.

I really wish I could remember why I wanted to call this blog "Opposites Attract"!

So where was I?

Oh yea, me.

Its really no different than when I started this blog last October...I'm just one of those people who goes with the flow.

I get mad...then I get over it.

I laugh as often as I can.

I am of two minds about almost everything (Libra) and try to see all sides of a story before passing judgement.

What the heck does that have to do with anything?

Why am I still writing if I can't remember what I was going to write about?

I think I'll have to work up a hockey blog now.

~ Glenn

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