Much closer to home The University of Pittsburgh also had their homecoming this weekend. I had to reach out to an old friend and ask if there was a song they used to get the fans up or something they called their own....and he came through for me!
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
School Days
Much closer to home The University of Pittsburgh also had their homecoming this weekend. I had to reach out to an old friend and ask if there was a song they used to get the fans up or something they called their own....and he came through for me!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sixteen Candles...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Dead or Alive
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thinking about you...
The complete history of 3rd Try Productions.
From time to time I am asked where the name "3rd Try Productions" came from, and as I do love to tell a story (usually a long, convoluted, boring story) I have decided to finally sit down and put it all in writing, because obviously this is the single most important thing anyone could care about…right?
Around 1981 or 1982 I heard my first Weird Al Yankovic song on the radio. We were sitting in the car waiting for my mother to come out from getting her hair done and KDKA,
By the next year I was staying up until
When I started high school I was a bit shy and the way I was trying to come out of my shell was writing these silly song parodies like Weird Al did. Of course you had to have a band name to do that so I, along with another freshman (who will remain nameless for two reasons: 1) He probably doesn't remember it at all and 2) He works for the government now!) started The Fools, complete with a backward "S" to make us even sillier. (Give me a break we were 13 years old!) Unfortunately, that year there was a one-hit wonder group that called themselves"The Fools" that had a moderate hit with a remake of Do-Wa-Diddy" so that name had to go. (btw: Thank goodness for the internet! I can't believe they have their own website!)
The next clever little name we came up with was "The Flip-Sides" (this time with 2 backward "S"'s!) Unfortunately a female friend, who had seen the horrible stuff we were writing, told me there was a Saturday morning show running where the stars would go through a magic mirror to "the flip side" and I decided that was close enough to call for another name change…and this time I had a brain storm! Rather than trying to come up with clever names every year I would call the band "3rd Try", then if someone took that name I'd go with "4th Try", "5th Try" and so on! Brilliant! Of course no one ever took that name so it stuck!
Gradually I realized I was NOT going to make a career out of being weird, but the weird songs kept creeping into my head! I've tried to explain to my wife and friends that I just hear things differently then other people. When I heard Gretchen Wilson's "Here for the Party" for the first time, in my head I heard "Here for the Buffet"…it's just the way it goes! So I kept writing my little songs and gradually got into writing little comedy bits in the styling of the people I had been stealing material from for the previous four years: Benny Hill, Dave Allen, Kenney Everett,Monty Python, etc. See, I must have been the only guy watching WQED or WPGH late at night hoping to see these old English comedians! So I would copy their jokes, Americanize them, and take them to school with me the next day!
All of this led up to my starting college. Any progress I had made with my personality was immediately lost during this time! Years of getting by on memory alone did me no good in a situation where you actually had to work…and study! Freshman year was a nightmare of struggling with classes and trying to find any kind of niche where I could fit in.
Originally I was going to school to be an accountant.
Two things were working against me:
1) I found the workSO INCREDIBLY BORING that I couldn't concentrate enough to learn anything. I mean my accounting class (at
2) That weird part of brain refused to go away. So by the middle of my second semester I had decided to change majors. By this time I somehow found people who were snowed enough to my "friends" and one invited me to a pizza party that was being held by the Communication Program on campus. Now this program was so small it was not even its own department on campus. The department head was actually at our sister college. The man who ran the program, Fr. Andrew Campbell, was so great I knew I had to try it.
I had always had an inclination that radio would be fun, so I chose to follow the mass media path though the program. Sophomore year I started a show with one of my friends called "The Midnight Special" and from
The songs kept coming to me and gradually "3rd Try" the group evolved into "3rd Try Productions" covering all the media I was producing including the radio show. Other items fell under the 3rd Try banner also including the heavy metal group: Dead Silence. Dead Silence had seven albums, a greatest hits and a Christmas album. Hits included: "That Woman's a Nun", "Too Short for Sex" and "Get off my Crutch". The hook? Dead Silence was exactly that. Not a note was played, not a word was sung. The only thing we came up with was titles.
Also by senior year we were making our own television show! Fr. Andrew had hired me to be his assistant during the school year and that gave me a key and access to the television studio (such as it was) whenever I wanted. There was a lip-sync contest on campus twice a year. I videotaped one and was deluged with request for copies. Rather than make 100 copies I announced that we would replay the tape on WSVC Channel 30, the closed circuit channel on campus. We even broke the videos up and "hosted" the replay! When I say "we" it was me as the host and my good friend Greg as he producer. And when I say "producer" I mean we set up one camera in the studio and did everything live! A copy of that first show exists, but I refuse to let anyone see it!
Also this is where the name "The Glenn" comes from. Fr. Andrew said I did such a wonderful job that from that point forward anyone who filled that position would be called "The Glenn". I assume he had other favorites after that as I have seen other graduates from SVC's communication program with similar nicknames!
We called the show "You Did It" and it was one of two regular broadcasts on channel 30. The other, "The Flying Zambruno Show", I unfortunately do not have any copies of as I was not part of that show. Somehow I got convinced that "You Did It" could be done on a regular basis. So along with taking 15 credits, working 30 hours a week on campus, and starting my internship, I was going to create and produce a television show once a week? Sure! Why not! With the help of several friends we developed a simple game plan: Each week there would be a different host, chosen from the students on campus. The hosts picked their own theme music. We did all the stuff that would be on the show and ran the cameras, etc. Each week there were different segments…some were pretty funny, some just plain sucked…but we had a blast most of the time anyway.
By the fourth show I was completely burned out from all the editing and pressure of getting this on the air every week, so we blew off a show but came back a few more episodes…most of which I started to make available on line just to entertain myself and the few people who worked on it!
So since we were now doing records, radio and television I decided that "3rd Try Productions" would be the umbrella to cover all of these various enterprises. Hell(rais)er Video did all the television stuff for example and everything was a © of 3rd Try Productions.
After college I got a job full-time in radio and all the bits and lists and funny stuff in my head had the opportunity to come flowing out. Four years after that I was out of radio and had no outlet for that creativity…but marriage, two kids and a few jobs later I can use all this wonderful new technology to be creative again to a wider audience than my loving and patient wife who I cannot thank enough for being my audience of one for all these years!
In 1996 my wife and I got our first computer and I got online for the first time also. When we set up our first email account I used 3rd Try Productions as the name because I figured that if by that time no one had taken it that I needed something to prove it was mine! And since then from YouTube to wedding video production I have continued to expand the usage.
So there you have it.
The ramblings of a mad man…er, I mean the history of 3rd Try Productions up until this point in time,
~ Glenn
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I want your sex...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Time is on my side...
And while we're telling stories about bands how about a little life on the road:
And one more about life on the road:
Friday, September 11, 2009
Where were you?
Since I'm sure everyone else in the world has done this…
At that time I was working out of a smaller office than I have now and the way it was situated in our building I got very poor radio reception. I had a small boom box on the floor of my office just to have some sound in the room and every day the first thing I turned on in the morning was that radio. It really only got a couple stations. I like to listen to AM radio in general and talk radio in particular. Too many years in radio has turned me off from listening to music and the all-sound-alike DJ's that permeate the airwaves. Since I could not get AM in my office I usually had the local (and closest) FM station on just for background noise. The day before, however, I had switched to the oldies station in
I have no idea why. I wasn't any busier than normal. I didn't do anything to change my normal routine (thank you OCD!) or have anything interrupt my morning.
I just didn't turn the radio on.
I remember quite clearly that we had a flatbed truck to load that day with product being shipped out. I was in and out of the building checking on the tires we were shipping and it was a simply beautiful day. Clear blue skies, cool temperatures, no humidity. You could not have asked for a better day.
At one point our secretary told me as I walked into the front office that her sister had told her a plane hit of the world trade center buildings and I shrugged it off. I knew planes had hit the
Then she said her sister (who was at home watching television) called and said another plane had hit the tower and the news was saying we were under attack!
Surprised, I flipped on my radio and heard ABC news pouring out. I've been into radio for a long time…major music stations don't play the national news feed after
This was big.
I jumped on the computer and found that all of the major news sites were jammed. I was able to get on the Japanese CNN site and see some images and print some pictures to show the guys at work.
Our boss, the owner, was outside with the truck being loaded. When I went out next I told him what was going on and he seemed more interested in getting the truck loaded! LOL! I knew he cared, but business had to go on no matter what.
All I wanted to do was to go home and watch the news, but that wasn't an option. I listened to the radio all day and all the rumors that were out there too.
At one point it was reported that one of the hijacked planes was in
Heading home that evening I was struck by the fact that there were no planes in the sky.
Obviously I had heard that all flights were grounded, but where I live we have a great view of the southern sky and to see ZERO planes all night was a bit disconcerting.
My wife was two months pregnant with our son at that time, and after consuming as much television as humanly possible I went to bed that night with my wife and wondered out loud what kind of world we were bringing another baby into.
In the aftermath I fully supported our attacking the Taliban in
Six years later I still wonder what kind of world we brought our son into, but I hope that the majority of us are trying to make it a better place.
~ The Glenn
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Here We Go!
Every year I dread this, but I HAVE to do it.
Please forgive me..
Here is my Pittsburgh Steelers Preview for the season!
Of course the question is whether Ben can recover from the horrible season he had last year...wait, no. The question is whether he'll LIVE through the season because of the offensive line.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
By the time we got to woodstock
So anyway, being the 40th anniversary of Woodstock just passed us by we got to talking about One Hit Wonders and if we could get them all together for a kind of "Crapstock".
And since I'm kind of obsessive about these things I put together a play list with EVERY SONG we mention.
All of them.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Goodbye Is The Saddest Word...

Alma "Dean" (LaBorde) Heller passed away at 9:03 pm on July 1, 2009.
Talking in your sleep
Monday, June 29, 2009
Going to the Chapel
I know...I promised to write more frequently.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Money For Nothing

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thin Line between Love and hate

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hair of the Dog

As promised I have taken the shearer to my face after the Stanley Cup Finals.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pomp and Circumstance

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Daddy's home...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My brother in law got to come home this past Saturday. While he's not up to 100% yet and is still dealing with doctor visits and getting healthy it will probably do him good to just be at home instead of in a hospital bed.
As I've posted before we started a group for him over on Facebook with the intention of getting lots of prayers and support for him and my sister in law. Another reason was to try and get some help for them both with the house they are building and with what will surely be large bills from the amount of medicine he is to be on.
I had the bright idea of having a weight loss marathon to raise money.
It made sense to me on every level:
- Since his problem was a fatty liver it would do some of us good to look at losing some weight ourselves.
- Its the kind of thing that while raiding money also makes the people participating feel good about themselves.
- I needed to lose some weight and with an actual goal and some motivation I think I can do it this time for good.
So I went to my doctor to get an official weight to start from.
That's all I wanted.
Instead I got a full check up since I had not been there in almost two years.
My blood pressure was up, my weight was up.
Now I'm used to the doctor yelling at me about my weight. I fluctuate a good bit and have been well over my average weight for almost ten years now, but this time she was serious.
Get the weight off and get my blood pressure down or its on blood pressure medicine.
For the record I take no medicine at all. My blood work has always been stellar despite my poor health habits.
So I am exercising every morning, eating five small meals rather than three big ones and watching my calorie intake.
But I haven't started the marathon yet! So I wanted to throw the idea out there and see who else wants to participate.
My idea would be to get sponsors per pound or as a flat donation. You would have to give an official start weight and then an end weight and we could set up an account for Jimmy for his medical needs.
I thought about calling it "Losing it for Jimmy" but I'm always open to ideas!
Any thoughts just post a message here or on face book or drop me a line at
~ Glenn