Our beloved Governor of Philadelphia, er, Pennsylvania, "Fast Eddie" Rendell is proposing a 16% increase in the the personal income tax.

("Fast Eddie" getting ready to do what he does best...screw someone)
Picture from: blogs.phillymag.com
Exactly what I thought.
The entire state legislature can go screw themselves if they think they are getting one more red dime from me.
Its time for them to make do with what they have.
I can't just go ask for more money when times are tough..I have to drop things and tighten my belt.
They can do the same or they can go to hell...really I could care less.
So here is the phone number for the Governor's office: Phone: (717) 787-2500
(Or you can go to the page linked above to send an email.)
Here is a link for you to find your local legislator to complain to them too: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/ (Go to the upper right hand corner and put in your zip code if you are unsure who to contact.)
See I don't care what they have to do...cut their own pay, start paying part of their own health insurance, drop the state provided cars, whatever...but they need to find a way to STOP TAKING MY MONEY when its clear they don't know what they are doing with it.
And no one give me any crap about the services that will need to be cut. There are plenty of pleaces to make cuts that will not make children starve or streets go unpaved. Its not like their doing such a bang up job NOW with all the money they have!
Honest to God I think there should be an IQ test that anyone has to at least pass to run for office!
So let your voice be heard. I will be doing the same thing you can rest assured on that!
Oh, and its a big election year too...so lets remind these kind fellow and ladies that we can just as easily find someone who will do their jobs the way we like.
~ Glenn
1 comment:
Perfectly stated, and I agree with you completely.
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