Sunday, November 2, 2008

Its begining to look a lot like Christmas

Well now that Halloween is officially over we look forward to the next big Holiday...Christmas!

What, you thought Thanksgiving was next?


All the local stores had their Christmas displays out a good two weeks before Halloween.

I've seen local people who are starting to put up the christmas decorations since the weather is so nice!

People, please.

It can be 20 degrees below zero that day, but the decorations do NOT go up until the day after Thanksgiving.

Its no wonder people think their lives are so rushed these days...they do it to themselves.

Its still a good three weeks until Thanksgiving.

And Thanksgiving is a wonderful, American holiday that should be celebrated on its own not used as a kick off for the christmas buying season!

Relax...enjoy the fall weather and the time before the maddening Christmas rush.

Enjoy the month of November and each day until thanksgiving and then get ready to celebrate Christmas.,,you'll be happier for it.

~ Glenn

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