Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I hate everything about you...

On my radio show I have a semi-regular feature called "People I hate".

Now "hate" is an awfully strong word, but I REALLY do not like the people who have been feature so far.

Since many of you have never heard my show (and I STRONGLY encourage you to do so) here is a partial list of the people I hate.

In no particular order:

Oprah Winfrey
Tiger Woods
Tom Cruise
Ryan Seacrest
Starr Jones
Rosie O'Donnell
Ben Stiller
Jerry Seinfeld

Just to name a few.

Some of them haven't even been featured yet...but they will be!

~ Glenn


Lauren Kelly said...

That is an awesome list! It's hard to find someone that dislikes BEN STILLER and JERRY SEINFELD as much as I do. Glad there is someone else out there! Seinfeld, the man and the show, SUCKS - and Ben Stiller makes HORRIBLE movies. I agree with all the other ones, as well.

Glenn said...

Well, a good hater is not common these days...but I try my best!

Thanks for the kind words.