Before I get around to posting up the pictures of the room we painted and redecorated for our son I wanted to make an important public service announcement:
Do not paint without shoes on!
A couple years ago I painted our basement door. Simple enough task, right?
Well I was using spray paint on a metal door. It was a nice summer day. I wore my sandals. (For the record I HATE wearing shoes and socks.)
The result was a nicely painted door and this:

I'll the story of the scar some other time.
So you now hard it is to scrub paint off your feet? It alternately hurts and tickles like heck!
Fast forward almost two years and we are painting Josh's room.
Maybe I should have told Michelle about my past adventure?

Of course she would have been fine if her "bull in a china shop" husband hadn't kept spilling paint everywhere!
And I don't have enough room on my digital camera to take pictures of all the places I got it all over myself!
Did I mention that we are looking into hiring a painter for the rest of the house?
~ Glenn
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