I found this video over on youtube...good collection of some of the notable people that left this mortal coil in 2008.
~ Glenn
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Instant Karma
kar·ma (kärm)
1. Hinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
2. Fate; destiny.
3. Informal A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the house today.
[Sanskrit, deed, action that has consequences, karma; see kwer- in Indo-European roots.]
For a real life example see the New England Patriots.
Last season they were caught red handed bending the rules to video tape signals from opposing teams.
Their "genius" coach said he just misunderstood the rules. The rules that had been clearly and recently reinforced by the league before the beginning of the season.
Based on the the investigation by the NFL the team was fined and so was the "genius".
The Patriots used the motivation from their being disrespected (?) to drive to an 18-0 record only to have their perfect season (and lots of t-shirts and books) ruined by the NY Giants in the Super Bowl.
Fast forward to this season.
The first half of the first quarter of the first game and Tom Brady goes out with a season ending injury.
In come Matt Cassel...who has not started a football game since he was in high school.
And the Patriots, with the easiest schedule in the entire NFL start winning without Brady.
Beating up on weaker teams and Cassel suddenly throwing the ball like he knows what he's doing the Patriots are suddenly not only in contention for the playoffs but could win their division!
Cassel has back to back 400+ yard games (ended when he met the Steelers) and the Patriots finish with a four game winning streak!
All the Patriots needed was a loss by Baltimore or the Dolphins.
New England watched as the Ravens killed the Jaguars.
The Jets hosted the Dolphins.
And lost.
The Patriots become the first team since 1985 to have an 11 win season and NOT make the playoffs.
Matt Cassel is an unrestricted free-agent and the Patriots are going to have to either throw a lot of money at him or franchise him and hope some other team is desperate enough to make it worth their while.
The genius is home watching the playoffs for the first time in six seasons.
Its a bitch.
~ Glenn
kar·ma (kärm)
1. Hinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
2. Fate; destiny.
3. Informal A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the house today.
[Sanskrit, deed, action that has consequences, karma; see kwer- in Indo-European roots.]
For a real life example see the New England Patriots.
Last season they were caught red handed bending the rules to video tape signals from opposing teams.
Their "genius" coach said he just misunderstood the rules. The rules that had been clearly and recently reinforced by the league before the beginning of the season.
Based on the the investigation by the NFL the team was fined and so was the "genius".
The Patriots used the motivation from their being disrespected (?) to drive to an 18-0 record only to have their perfect season (and lots of t-shirts and books) ruined by the NY Giants in the Super Bowl.
Fast forward to this season.
The first half of the first quarter of the first game and Tom Brady goes out with a season ending injury.
In come Matt Cassel...who has not started a football game since he was in high school.
And the Patriots, with the easiest schedule in the entire NFL start winning without Brady.
Beating up on weaker teams and Cassel suddenly throwing the ball like he knows what he's doing the Patriots are suddenly not only in contention for the playoffs but could win their division!
Cassel has back to back 400+ yard games (ended when he met the Steelers) and the Patriots finish with a four game winning streak!
All the Patriots needed was a loss by Baltimore or the Dolphins.
New England watched as the Ravens killed the Jaguars.
The Jets hosted the Dolphins.
And lost.
The Patriots become the first team since 1985 to have an 11 win season and NOT make the playoffs.
Matt Cassel is an unrestricted free-agent and the Patriots are going to have to either throw a lot of money at him or franchise him and hope some other team is desperate enough to make it worth their while.
The genius is home watching the playoffs for the first time in six seasons.
Its a bitch.
~ Glenn
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Is the time to say I Love you
I truly hope everyone had a great holiday!
Here is the one hour crazy Christmas show I did last night for my weekly show!
~ Glenn
Here is the one hour crazy Christmas show I did last night for my weekly show!
~ Glenn
celebration birthday family 40th 39th,
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Do they know its Christmas
My son Josh, 6 years old, reading the classic Christmas poem "Twas The Night Before Christmas".
Merry Christmas everyone!
~ Glenn
Silent Night
I think not!
Since I can no longer post my play lists to My Space I wanted to share my warped sense of Christmas humor here instead!
Click play on the player below and have a wonderfully twisted Christmas!
~ Glenn
Since I can no longer post my play lists to My Space I wanted to share my warped sense of Christmas humor here instead!
Click play on the player below and have a wonderfully twisted Christmas!
~ Glenn
Monday, December 22, 2008
Weclome to the Jungle...
I belong to a LOT of online sites.
Some of my favorites are the sports sites and one in particular is ran by the sad sack Cincinnati Bengals.
Their message board is a clever mix of smack talk and "jungle noise" where fans can argue even with people they agree with most of the time.
But recently there has been a trend to the smack talk. Since the Bengals can win on their won their fans are taking great pride in rooting for whoever beats the Steelers.
And the great mantra that goes up around this time each year: "Yeah, well, your team might have made the playoffs, but they'll be one and done!"
Recently I responded to those "one and done" Steeler haters:
My philosophy is this..just get to the payoffs and anything can happen.
Look at 2005. The Steelers had to bust their hind ends to get in the playoffs and went on a tear that lead them to their 5th Lombardi trophy.
Last year as the Steelers were limping into the playoffs I was at least help to hold out some hope because at least they made it. As they dropped that game to Jacksonville my wife, who is a newcomer to watching football, said well at least you won't have to worry about next week.
She couldn't have been more wrong.
Win that game against Jacksonville and anything can happen the following week.
So to everyone here who will take great pleasure if the Steelers lose in the playoffs...your jealousy is what I love!
Getting to the playoffs is just half the battle...but getting there allows you to play on. Something fans of the Bengals don't have much memory of.
~ Glenn
Some of my favorites are the sports sites and one in particular is ran by the sad sack Cincinnati Bengals.
Their message board is a clever mix of smack talk and "jungle noise" where fans can argue even with people they agree with most of the time.
But recently there has been a trend to the smack talk. Since the Bengals can win on their won their fans are taking great pride in rooting for whoever beats the Steelers.
And the great mantra that goes up around this time each year: "Yeah, well, your team might have made the playoffs, but they'll be one and done!"
Recently I responded to those "one and done" Steeler haters:
My philosophy is this..just get to the payoffs and anything can happen.
Look at 2005. The Steelers had to bust their hind ends to get in the playoffs and went on a tear that lead them to their 5th Lombardi trophy.
Last year as the Steelers were limping into the playoffs I was at least help to hold out some hope because at least they made it. As they dropped that game to Jacksonville my wife, who is a newcomer to watching football, said well at least you won't have to worry about next week.
She couldn't have been more wrong.
Win that game against Jacksonville and anything can happen the following week.
So to everyone here who will take great pleasure if the Steelers lose in the playoffs...your jealousy is what I love!
Getting to the playoffs is just half the battle...but getting there allows you to play on. Something fans of the Bengals don't have much memory of.
~ Glenn
I love this bar...
We have a great time getting together to watch Steeler games!

Win or lose it is always an adventure!
I never liked to get with other people to watch a football game because I tend to get loud and upset when the team I am rooting for is doing poorly.
But for the last three years a group of us have been taking turns hosting the games and its turned into great fun.
However the best place so far is at my in-laws house.

They have the best set up in their basement with a full-sized bar, dart board, big screen television (with speakers even in the bathroom!), a pool table...its a great place to watch a game!
Not that this is an earth-shattering revelation to anyone but I thought I should at least thank them for putting up with all of us most of the time!
~ Glenn
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Family Tradition
Last Christmas party of the year is over!
Now we still have to get together with family on Christmas Eve and then the other side of the family on Christmas Day...but no more parties!
I love getting together with everyone and the more the merrier...but I'm worn out!
We didn't have Christmas "parties" growing up. All the relatives would come to my Grandmother's house on Christmas Eve and then Christmas morning after all the gifts were opened we would ride from relative to relative visiting (in the back of a car with no seat belts by the way)!
Now we have one for work, one for the neighborhood, one for the extended family on one side...I love them but I'm glad its over.
Until New Year's Eve.
I wonder who decided that we need to ring in the next second in the continuous flow of time with a big party?!?!
~ Glenn
Last Christmas party of the year is over!
Now we still have to get together with family on Christmas Eve and then the other side of the family on Christmas Day...but no more parties!
I love getting together with everyone and the more the merrier...but I'm worn out!
We didn't have Christmas "parties" growing up. All the relatives would come to my Grandmother's house on Christmas Eve and then Christmas morning after all the gifts were opened we would ride from relative to relative visiting (in the back of a car with no seat belts by the way)!
Now we have one for work, one for the neighborhood, one for the extended family on one side...I love them but I'm glad its over.
Until New Year's Eve.
I wonder who decided that we need to ring in the next second in the continuous flow of time with a big party?!?!
~ Glenn
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Have a Holly Jolly christmas!
One week until Christmas!!
What the heck happened to this year?
Well there was a definite theme to our Weird news tonight:
1) Santa gets a ticket!
2) A teacher says there is no Santa!
3) Meet my daughter Adolf...Adolf Hitler!
4) Opposites attract!
A couple more novelty Christmas songs for you too!
Weird Al (of course) with his ode to a nuclear holiday!
Spike Jones (without the "z") and the classic tale of a boy and his Christmas wish!
One hour of Christmas laughter and joy starting at 11pm!
So after the presents are opened and the paper is cleaned up and the egg nog is gone...tune in and enjoy the last hour of Christmas with me here on My World!
~ Glenn
What the heck happened to this year?
Well there was a definite theme to our Weird news tonight:
1) Santa gets a ticket!
2) A teacher says there is no Santa!
3) Meet my daughter Adolf...Adolf Hitler!
4) Opposites attract!
A couple more novelty Christmas songs for you too!
Weird Al (of course) with his ode to a nuclear holiday!
Spike Jones (without the "z") and the classic tale of a boy and his Christmas wish!
One hour of Christmas laughter and joy starting at 11pm!
So after the presents are opened and the paper is cleaned up and the egg nog is gone...tune in and enjoy the last hour of Christmas with me here on My World!
~ Glenn
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Don't worry, Be Happy
I am a worrier.
As you could read in the last post I probably worry too much.
I thinks its the influence of my Italian mother and grandmother!
But I'm going to try to stop...really.
I wasn't always this way though. In fact I used to be the most laid back guy you could ever meet. Nothing ever got me excite and I just cruised through life.
In fact I often said that I never got ulcers...I was a carrier!
But in the last 15-20 years I have started to worry about everything:
the weather
making lists...lol
So how do you STOP thinking about how things could go wrong?
I'm not entirely sure...but I'm going to try...really.
Anyone have any suggestions?!?!
~ Glenn
As you could read in the last post I probably worry too much.
I thinks its the influence of my Italian mother and grandmother!
But I'm going to try to stop...really.
I wasn't always this way though. In fact I used to be the most laid back guy you could ever meet. Nothing ever got me excite and I just cruised through life.
In fact I often said that I never got ulcers...I was a carrier!
But in the last 15-20 years I have started to worry about everything:
the weather
making lists...lol
So how do you STOP thinking about how things could go wrong?
I'm not entirely sure...but I'm going to try...really.
Anyone have any suggestions?!?!
~ Glenn
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wasn't that a party?
We had our annual Christmas party last night...what a night!
I don't even know where to start, but I can tell you I was NOT the life of the party.
Ever have one of those nights where all of a sudden you feel like you just want to be alone? Well that's not such a good feeling when there are 25+ people ready to have fun in your home.
Let me also say that I have nothing against people who drink. I like a few drinks myself and have been drunk more times that I want to talk about, but last night I drank enough to drown and never got a buzz.
So here I am, in my own house, sober, surrounded by people who are drinking and having a grand old time.
Yeah, I was a real downer.
Worst part was people kept think I was mad about something...I wasn't...not at all.
But because I was content to let them have their fun and not be in the middle of it then everyone worries.
And I appreciate the fact that they worry. At least I know they are paying enough attention to see I'm not happy...lol.
But overall everyone DID have a good time. I tried my best but just got more frustrated that I couldn't get into the spirit of a party that I had planned and invited everyone to.
And in the end I ended up making some people mad because I snapped about something stupid.
I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.
Michelle and I discussed it and it maybe boils down to the fact that I cannot just let things go. I see something that I don't think is right and I want to tell everyone so they can correct it.
It's my "superhero" complex.
Or as Michelle tells me "you can't save the world."
Essentially its true thought that I almost can NEVER just kick back and have a good time because I am always worried about what everyone else is doing.
And sometimes what they are doing someone NEEDS to worry about, but I guess that's not my job.
I guess I have to learn, and make a more concerted effort, to just let everyone be themselves.
I suppose part of the problem I have with that is some of those same people will be asking me the next day why I didn't stop this, or why I let that happen and I think that if I can nip it in the bud I won't have to deal with it the next time or the next day for that matter.
It's been that way for as long as I can remember. Someone asks me for advice...goes out and does the COMPLETE opposite...and then comes back crying to have me fix what went wrong.
And in the end all I end up doing is making myself miserable.
The other problem is that when I tell someone something I do it out of the goodness of my heart and I mean it. And when I get told that that is wrong it makes me upset.
If someone tells me to doing something I do it. And I don't want that person then telling me not to do it when they don't know any better.
There I go again...saving the world.
So what do you do?
Allow people to just be themselves and clean up the messes like always? If that's the case I'll STILL be miserable because I know what's coming.
Stop partying all together? Well unfortunately these are the people I regularly hang out with, some are even family, and that is not an option.
I guess in my mind (and there aren't many people who want to see what goes on in that mess) I just can't understand why people can't just have a good time without all the drama: there are either arguments, PDA's, inappropriate talk etc.
And I know the main culprit...alcohol.
People can't seem to just have a few drinks and relax and have a good time...they have to get blitzed, they have to go too far, they have to just do too much.
But there I go again...trying to save the world.
Just because that is the way I feel doesn't make it right. that's what I have to keep telling myself.
Just because I try so hard NOT to do anything that embarrasses my wife or family, nothing that will make anyone think I did something that crosses any lines of societal norms, doesn't mean I can make anyone else be that way.
I'm no angel, and I've made plenty of mistakes in my life...so I guess I try to help others.
But I can't save the world and to be honest I really don't even know why I want to anymore.
When, at the end of the night, you don't even get a thank you? You barely get a "we're leaving" and people rushing out the door?
That was as disappointing as anything else. And I have no one to blame but myself.
I expect people to appreciate what I do whether it is hosting the party or just talking them down from where ever they currently are.
And I want is a thank you...and I couldn't get it.
And of course all of this is moot because I know me and it might be a week, or it might be a year, but at some point I will make the same mistake again.
Luckily one person isn't trying to save the world...just save me.
Michelle will tell me and it will take me some time to turn the superhero thing off, but I will...because I know she is right.
But I'll still be disappointed in the people that I care about because I can't help them...even if they don't want my help.
~ Glenn
I don't even know where to start, but I can tell you I was NOT the life of the party.
Ever have one of those nights where all of a sudden you feel like you just want to be alone? Well that's not such a good feeling when there are 25+ people ready to have fun in your home.
Let me also say that I have nothing against people who drink. I like a few drinks myself and have been drunk more times that I want to talk about, but last night I drank enough to drown and never got a buzz.
So here I am, in my own house, sober, surrounded by people who are drinking and having a grand old time.
Yeah, I was a real downer.
Worst part was people kept think I was mad about something...I wasn't...not at all.
But because I was content to let them have their fun and not be in the middle of it then everyone worries.
And I appreciate the fact that they worry. At least I know they are paying enough attention to see I'm not happy...lol.
But overall everyone DID have a good time. I tried my best but just got more frustrated that I couldn't get into the spirit of a party that I had planned and invited everyone to.
And in the end I ended up making some people mad because I snapped about something stupid.
I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.
Michelle and I discussed it and it maybe boils down to the fact that I cannot just let things go. I see something that I don't think is right and I want to tell everyone so they can correct it.
It's my "superhero" complex.
Or as Michelle tells me "you can't save the world."
Essentially its true thought that I almost can NEVER just kick back and have a good time because I am always worried about what everyone else is doing.
And sometimes what they are doing someone NEEDS to worry about, but I guess that's not my job.
I guess I have to learn, and make a more concerted effort, to just let everyone be themselves.
I suppose part of the problem I have with that is some of those same people will be asking me the next day why I didn't stop this, or why I let that happen and I think that if I can nip it in the bud I won't have to deal with it the next time or the next day for that matter.
It's been that way for as long as I can remember. Someone asks me for advice...goes out and does the COMPLETE opposite...and then comes back crying to have me fix what went wrong.
And in the end all I end up doing is making myself miserable.
The other problem is that when I tell someone something I do it out of the goodness of my heart and I mean it. And when I get told that that is wrong it makes me upset.
If someone tells me to doing something I do it. And I don't want that person then telling me not to do it when they don't know any better.
There I go again...saving the world.
So what do you do?
Allow people to just be themselves and clean up the messes like always? If that's the case I'll STILL be miserable because I know what's coming.
Stop partying all together? Well unfortunately these are the people I regularly hang out with, some are even family, and that is not an option.
I guess in my mind (and there aren't many people who want to see what goes on in that mess) I just can't understand why people can't just have a good time without all the drama: there are either arguments, PDA's, inappropriate talk etc.
And I know the main culprit...alcohol.
People can't seem to just have a few drinks and relax and have a good time...they have to get blitzed, they have to go too far, they have to just do too much.
But there I go again...trying to save the world.
Just because that is the way I feel doesn't make it right. that's what I have to keep telling myself.
Just because I try so hard NOT to do anything that embarrasses my wife or family, nothing that will make anyone think I did something that crosses any lines of societal norms, doesn't mean I can make anyone else be that way.
I'm no angel, and I've made plenty of mistakes in my life...so I guess I try to help others.
But I can't save the world and to be honest I really don't even know why I want to anymore.
When, at the end of the night, you don't even get a thank you? You barely get a "we're leaving" and people rushing out the door?
That was as disappointing as anything else. And I have no one to blame but myself.
I expect people to appreciate what I do whether it is hosting the party or just talking them down from where ever they currently are.
And I want is a thank you...and I couldn't get it.
And of course all of this is moot because I know me and it might be a week, or it might be a year, but at some point I will make the same mistake again.
Luckily one person isn't trying to save the world...just save me.
Michelle will tell me and it will take me some time to turn the superhero thing off, but I will...because I know she is right.
But I'll still be disappointed in the people that I care about because I can't help them...even if they don't want my help.
~ Glenn
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Radio Free Europe
Happy Holidays! (I wonder if that ticks off the right at all?)
Anyway...not much going on in my world this week.
We had some clips from the movie Elf which should be REQUIRED viewing for everyone during the Christmas season!
Two novelty songs for you this week. First another song from Da Yoopers who must get the majority of their radio airplay this time of year!
Then a song about the guy we all know. The guy too cool for his own good...SUPER SKIER thanks to the Chad Mitchell Trio!
In weird news:
1) A man nailed a Santa doll to a cross to protest smart people, er, either that or crass commercialism.
2) Rush Limbaugh thinks (how do you spell irony) that the problem with American cars is that they are TOO well made. Seriously.
3) What is it with people stuffing old, dead people in their freezers? Whatever happened to a nice shallow grave?
Next week my Christmas want list and more novelty stuff.
Christmas night, just two weeks from now a special ONE HOUR all Christmas special with clips and songs and stuff!
Talk to you next week!
~ Glenn
Anyway...not much going on in my world this week.
We had some clips from the movie Elf which should be REQUIRED viewing for everyone during the Christmas season!
Two novelty songs for you this week. First another song from Da Yoopers who must get the majority of their radio airplay this time of year!
Then a song about the guy we all know. The guy too cool for his own good...SUPER SKIER thanks to the Chad Mitchell Trio!
In weird news:
1) A man nailed a Santa doll to a cross to protest smart people, er, either that or crass commercialism.
2) Rush Limbaugh thinks (how do you spell irony) that the problem with American cars is that they are TOO well made. Seriously.
3) What is it with people stuffing old, dead people in their freezers? Whatever happened to a nice shallow grave?
Next week my Christmas want list and more novelty stuff.
Christmas night, just two weeks from now a special ONE HOUR all Christmas special with clips and songs and stuff!
Talk to you next week!
~ Glenn
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
These are a few of my favorite things
Want to see Santa at the North pole...complete with children coming to visit?
Main Page
Links to the inside and outside cams
Have a relative that doesn't seem to get all the words to those favorite Christmas songs right?
A fun visit to the North Pole!
And for those of you into stalking, er online tracking of Santa on Christmas Eve.
Enjoy and post your own if you have any!
~ Glenn
Main Page
Links to the inside and outside cams
Have a relative that doesn't seem to get all the words to those favorite Christmas songs right?
A fun visit to the North Pole!
And for those of you into stalking, er online tracking of Santa on Christmas Eve.
Enjoy and post your own if you have any!
~ Glenn
White Christmas
For those of you who enjoy a little of the white stuff for your holidays.
Of course I mean snow.
You know, the white wet stuff that falls from the sky?
Anyway...click HERE to find out the chances of having a white Christmas.
If you're from my area here is our map:

Of course its supposed to be 50 degrees here Tuesday...so we'll have to see how the next couple weeks go!
~ Glenn
Of course I mean snow.
You know, the white wet stuff that falls from the sky?
Anyway...click HERE to find out the chances of having a white Christmas.
If you're from my area here is our map:

Of course its supposed to be 50 degrees here Tuesday...so we'll have to see how the next couple weeks go!
~ Glenn
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hair of the dog
Little video I found here:
A dog pulls another dog off of a busy freeway in Santiago, Chile after the first one had been struck by a moving vehicle.
Of course the second dog may have just been looking for an easy meal.
~ Glenn
A dog pulls another dog off of a busy freeway in Santiago, Chile after the first one had been struck by a moving vehicle.
Of course the second dog may have just been looking for an easy meal.
~ Glenn
30 days in the hole...
So OJ Simpson is going jail.
If you haven't heard about it congratulations on coming out of your coma!
Two things:
1) While I can't say I followed THIS trial as closely as his last...I found the judge attacking OJ's personal character and calling him "arrogant" during the sentencing to be completely out of line.
2) Why in the name of all that is good and green were the Goldman's there? Did OJ steal from them? Were they involved int he trial in some way?
Sorry but OJ was NOT sentenced yesterday for the murder of your son. This was completely different and your unyielding desire for vengeance has worn thin.
The man was tried and found not guilty.
Whether you believe that it was correct or not it is the truth.
So, while it is a free country and they are allowed to be in attendance, I don't need a spilt screen on my television showing them weeping about OJ going to jail finally.
See how much you collect on that civil suit with him jail.
Oh, that's right, its "not about the money"...its about "justice."
I feel for their loss, but I also think at some time you need to get YOURSELF out of the public spotlight. Its is no longer about your son or justice it is about YOU.
Even Nicole's sister had the good sense to finally let it go and go back to her private life.
OJ is in jail.
Now you go away too.
~ Glenn
If you haven't heard about it congratulations on coming out of your coma!
Two things:
1) While I can't say I followed THIS trial as closely as his last...I found the judge attacking OJ's personal character and calling him "arrogant" during the sentencing to be completely out of line.
2) Why in the name of all that is good and green were the Goldman's there? Did OJ steal from them? Were they involved int he trial in some way?
Sorry but OJ was NOT sentenced yesterday for the murder of your son. This was completely different and your unyielding desire for vengeance has worn thin.
The man was tried and found not guilty.
Whether you believe that it was correct or not it is the truth.
So, while it is a free country and they are allowed to be in attendance, I don't need a spilt screen on my television showing them weeping about OJ going to jail finally.
See how much you collect on that civil suit with him jail.
Oh, that's right, its "not about the money"...its about "justice."
I feel for their loss, but I also think at some time you need to get YOURSELF out of the public spotlight. Its is no longer about your son or justice it is about YOU.
Even Nicole's sister had the good sense to finally let it go and go back to her private life.
OJ is in jail.
Now you go away too.
~ Glenn
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Turn The Radio On...
Welcome to December and Happy Hunting!
I'm ticked about people suddenly deciding that we can't support a bailout for the auto industry when they weren't so vocal against the one for the banks.
So after blowing off some steam we went right into the Holiday spirit with football talk and how the Steelers rule!
Then our second song of the show by Da Yoopers!
Weird news followed:
1) Its cold! In November! I'm stunned! And so are the turtles!
2) Ads on tests...
3) Stop having your kids drive you when you are drunk. Ok? Just stop.
4) Crap you can't make up that shows how life just isn't fair...
More Christmas stuff next week. I think I'll retire the "People I Hate" segment until after Christmas...just doesn't seem right, ya know?
Have a listen!
I'm ticked about people suddenly deciding that we can't support a bailout for the auto industry when they weren't so vocal against the one for the banks.
So after blowing off some steam we went right into the Holiday spirit with football talk and how the Steelers rule!
Then our second song of the show by Da Yoopers!
Weird news followed:
1) Its cold! In November! I'm stunned! And so are the turtles!
2) Ads on tests...
3) Stop having your kids drive you when you are drunk. Ok? Just stop.
4) Crap you can't make up that shows how life just isn't fair...
More Christmas stuff next week. I think I'll retire the "People I Hate" segment until after Christmas...just doesn't seem right, ya know?
Have a listen!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Back on the chain gang...
Is there anything worse then going back to work after a nice, long, relaxing, four day weekend?
Since last Wednesday until 8am this morning I had a really good weekend! LOL!
The kids well great, Michelle and I got a lot of stuff done and had some quality time, Thanksgiving dinner went great, the Christmas decorations are (mostly) done and the Steelers won! In New England!
But now I am back at the desk...and it is SO quiet here today!
Its the first day of rifle deer season in PA so the entire shop is off and most of my customers are too!
Luckily(?) the boss is coming into town today so I'll at least have SOME motivation to get back in the groove.
~ Glenn
Since last Wednesday until 8am this morning I had a really good weekend! LOL!
The kids well great, Michelle and I got a lot of stuff done and had some quality time, Thanksgiving dinner went great, the Christmas decorations are (mostly) done and the Steelers won! In New England!
But now I am back at the desk...and it is SO quiet here today!
Its the first day of rifle deer season in PA so the entire shop is off and most of my customers are too!
Luckily(?) the boss is coming into town today so I'll at least have SOME motivation to get back in the groove.
~ Glenn
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