Monday, October 20, 2008

Everybody hurts sometime

My knee

I've always battled my weight...with it winning most of the time.

When I was younger I was always heavy, but I was active. I love playing basketball, football, anything sport that I could get a pick up game going in.

But for the last several years (like 10) I've been way too far over weight and not nearly active enough.

I've tried several diets and the one that has worked the best for me is the Atkins diet, which I am currently on again. It works for me because I never get tired of eating meat and cheese and eggs!

It always works for me because I have been fortunate to never have a problem with high cholesterol or heart disease. Even while on the diet. Maybe I have good genes?

Anyway, my knees have never been great, but they have always held out for the most part.

Tonight they didn't hurt either until I tried to bend the left leg and it felt like there was a band around my knee. Its a little swollen, but I banged it against the car door last week and twisted it tossing a football with my son the same day.

Naturally I won't call the doctor...its not in my DNA to run to the doctor every time something is slightly out of order with my body. I like to let the body heal itself, but I'm afraid with my advancing years it is healing slower and slower! LOL!

Sadly, that's the most interesting thing that happened today!

I'll put some ice on it ignore it and hope it goes away!

~ Glenn

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