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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pomp and Circumstance

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Daddy's home...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My brother in law got to come home this past Saturday. While he's not up to 100% yet and is still dealing with doctor visits and getting healthy it will probably do him good to just be at home instead of in a hospital bed.
As I've posted before we started a group for him over on Facebook with the intention of getting lots of prayers and support for him and my sister in law. Another reason was to try and get some help for them both with the house they are building and with what will surely be large bills from the amount of medicine he is to be on.
I had the bright idea of having a weight loss marathon to raise money.
It made sense to me on every level:
- Since his problem was a fatty liver it would do some of us good to look at losing some weight ourselves.
- Its the kind of thing that while raiding money also makes the people participating feel good about themselves.
- I needed to lose some weight and with an actual goal and some motivation I think I can do it this time for good.
So I went to my doctor to get an official weight to start from.
That's all I wanted.
Instead I got a full check up since I had not been there in almost two years.
My blood pressure was up, my weight was up.
Now I'm used to the doctor yelling at me about my weight. I fluctuate a good bit and have been well over my average weight for almost ten years now, but this time she was serious.
Get the weight off and get my blood pressure down or its on blood pressure medicine.
For the record I take no medicine at all. My blood work has always been stellar despite my poor health habits.
So I am exercising every morning, eating five small meals rather than three big ones and watching my calorie intake.
But I haven't started the marathon yet! So I wanted to throw the idea out there and see who else wants to participate.
My idea would be to get sponsors per pound or as a flat donation. You would have to give an official start weight and then an end weight and we could set up an account for Jimmy for his medical needs.
I thought about calling it "Losing it for Jimmy" but I'm always open to ideas!
Any thoughts just post a message here or on face book or drop me a line at glennheller@zoomitnernet.net
~ Glenn